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The Indian Ponds Association

Protecting Mystic Lake, Middle Pond, and Hamblin Pond since 1958

The three interconnected 100+-acre ponds in Marstons Mills, Massachusetts -- Mystic Lake, Middle Pond, and Hamblin Pond -- are, together, the Indian Ponds. They're kettlehole ponds, formed by pieces of ice left behind when the glaciers receded, and form an ecosystem that supports wildlife in, on, and off the water. They're also an integral part of the local community, and residents and visitors use the ponds for swimming, fishing, and boating year-round.


The IPA has assiduously worked to monitor, preserve, and protect the fragile ecology of the three Indian Ponds, and their surrounding land since 1958 for the benefit of its residents, visitors, habitat and wildlife.

​Latest News &  Events
  • Photos from 2024 Ponds Appreciation Day  & Annual Meeting

​​​The color version of the  Fall 2024 newsletter is now viewable online.

In this issue:

  •  Measuring Pond Health

  •  Message from your President

  • The Case for a Barnstable Ponds Coalition

  • Why a second Alum treatment was needed for Mystic Lake

IPA to sit on  Comprehensive Wastewater Management Plan (CWMP) Ad Hoc Advisory Committee

We are honored that Town Council President Felicia Penn asked the IPA  to sit on  this newly formed Ad Hoc Committee.


As part of the initial comprehensive Wastewater Management Plan approval, the Town is required to provide an update to the
plan every five years with the first update occurring in 2025, This allows the comprehensive wastewater management plan to respond to changing environmental conditions, improve technologies policy changes, and react and adapt to the results and lessons learned from completed projects, Given the importance of the comprehensive Wastewater management plan review,  it is believed that it should be developed similarly to how the initial plan was developed with an ad hoc committee working closely with the
Department of Public Works technical
staff to make recommendations to the
Town Council for approval.


​ Our 2024 membership drive is now underway.


The Indian Ponds Association is an all-volunteer tax-deductible 501(3)(c) organization.  Our volunteers maintain this website and our Facebook page, create and publish our quarterly newsletter, monitor the temperature, clarity and oxygen concentration in all three ponds on a bi-weekly basis from May through October, and advocate for the three ponds at the Town Council, Conservation Commission and the Marstons Mills Village Association meetings as needed.


Despite our volunteers, we cannot provide these services without your financial support.  Please contribute as generously as you can to help fund  all of the efforts provided by our volunteers to keep these three ponds as healthy as possible.


Dues payment envelopes will be included in our Winter 2024 Newsletter; you can simply mail a check made out to I. P. A. Inc and send it to PO Box 383 Marstons Mills, MA  02648; and finally, on our website via PayPal.


The Indian Ponds Association's mission is to preserve and protect the natural environment and ecological systems of the Indian Ponds and surrounding parcels of lands and watershed, and to participate in studies and work with other agencies, individuals, and groups to educate the public, serve the community, and promote and preserve the Indian Ponds and surrounding areas.


Members of our Association have been monitoring our ponds' health and advocating for responsible stewardship since the IPA's inception in 1958.

Read some of the highlights of over a half century of our history HERE






New to the Indian Ponds?  

The Resident's Guide will give you a guided tour and can be viewed or downloaded HERE


Learn how to become a member HERE

Additional References and reading  available HERE


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